1 Mar 2024 16:00 - 18:00 Room SG1, Alison Richard Building, 7 West Road, CB3 9DP


Early Career Representatives

  • Joshua Fitzgerald (Faculty of History)
  • Georgina Wilson (Faculty of English)


  • Anne Ferguson-Smith (Pro-Vice-Chancellor)
  • Tim Harper  (Head, School of Humanities and Social Sciences)
  • Steve Joy (Head, Postdoc Academy)
  • Nino Läubli (Postdoc Society)
  • Joanna Page (Director, CRASSH)
  • Liz Simmonds (Head, Research Culture)
  • Emily So (Deputy Head, School of Arts and Humanities)


The Assembly provides Early Career Researchers (ECR) with a platform from which to advocate for improved research culture, professional opportunities, and working conditions, as well as an academic and social network across which to share experiences and ideas. It is particularly focused on supporting ECR across the Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences (AHSS), and in making legible the crunch points and highlights of the hugely varied career paths to help change them for the better.

The Assembly is led by two early-career representatives who are always keen to hear from any early-career scholar, in any kind of post, from across the Schools of Art & Humanities or the School of Humanities and Social Sciences. They aim to represent and elevate ECR’s views and concerns to the highest academic levels in the Schools and beyond, building up the Assembly as a forum for change.

This Assembly launch is a great opportunity to meet you, explain what the Early Career representatives and the Assembly can offer, and listen to what you’d like to see changed in your working culture.

The definition of an early-career teachers, researchers and researcher-teachers includes a scholar within eight years of their PhD award (seemingly the viva), or equivalent professional training and/or within six years of their first academic appointment (meaning the first full- or part-time paid employment contract that lists research or teaching as the primary function). Bear in mind that life events, career disruptions and non-traditional pathways to ECR-dom can shape that basic framing of this definition.

We’d be delighted to see you there!

Contact Joshua or Georgina for more details.

The AHSS ECR Assembly is supported by the School of the Humanities and Social Sciences & the School of Arts and Humanities, and involves collaboration with the University’s Postdoc Academy and Research Culture Team. The Assembly is hosted by the Centre for Research in the Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities (CRASSH). 

Supported by:

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Events programme

Postdoc Initiatives
Launch: Introducing the Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences (AHSS) Early Career Researcher (ERC) Assembly
1 Mar 2024 16:00 - 18:00, Room SG1, Alison Richard Building, 7 West Road, CB3 9DP

This Assembly launch is a great opportunity to meet you, explain what the Early Career representatives and the Assembly can offer, and listen to what you’d like to most see changed in your working culture.

Precarity – A Conversation: Forging career trajectories in arts, humanities, and social sciences
4 Jun 2024 16:30 - 18:00, SG2, Alison Richard Building, 7 West Road, CB3 9DP

This is the second event aimed at the Early Career Researchers (ECR) community.

Upcoming Events


Tel: +44 1223 766886
Email enquiries@crassh.cam.ac.uk