
Applications for this fellowship are now closed

The CIRN Intesa Sanpaolo Visiting Fellowship offers an opportunity for an outstanding early career scholar whose research focuses on Italy to spend a period of time at Cambridge developing their research on a given broad theme, contributing to the Cambridge Italian Research Network (CIRN) and joining the Cambridge Centre for Research in the Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities (CRASSH).

The research theme for the Fellowship in 2023/24 will be ‘Diverse Italy’.

The Fellowship is open to early career scholars working on Italy from outside Cambridge (i.e., neither current researchers nor current members of staff at Cambridge), irrespective of their current status of employment, subject to visa conditions. ‘Early career’ is here defined as within five years of completing a PhD in any relevant field or discipline, allowing for career breaks. Near-native proficiency in English is a requirement for the Fellowship.

Application Information

CIRN Intesa Sanpaolo Visiting Fellowship at Cambridge University, 2023/24

Deadline for applications: 31 July 2023

The CIRN Intesa Sanpaolo Visiting Fellowship offers an opportunity for an outstanding early career postdoctoral scholar whose research focuses on Italy to spend a period of time at Cambridge developing their research on a given broad theme, contributing to the Cambridge Italian Research Network (CIRN) and joining the Cambridge Centre for Research in the Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities (CRASSH).

As in 2021/22 and 2022/23, the research theme for the Fellowship will be ‘Diverse Italy’.

The Fellow will be invited to spend one term (approx. 2-3 months) in Cambridge either during the period Jan-March 2024 or April-June 2024. The Fellowship will culminate in a one-day interdisciplinary colloquium on the theme, to be conceived and organised by the Fellow.

Previous holders of the Fellowship:

The Fellow will receive a sum of £5,000 to cover accommodation and other expenses. (The funds available for the Fellowship are not able to support a buy-out from teaching or other duties at the Fellow’s home institution.) The Fellow will not be employed by the University of Cambridge.
The Fellow will hold a Visiting Fellowship at CRASSH for the period of their stay and will be expected to participate in its activities, in particular the weekly Research Practice seminars. They will also be encouraged to work closely with a Faculty or Faculties in their field and with members of CIRN.

The Fellow will be responsible for organising the colloquium, in liaison with the CIRN committee and administrators at CRASSH. Further funding of up to £3,000 will be available for the colloquium.


The Fellowship is open to early career scholars working on Italy from outside Cambridge (i.e., neither current researchers nor current members of staff at Cambridge), irrespective of their current status of employment, subject to visa conditions.
‘Early career’ is here defined as within five years of completing a PhD in any relevant field or discipline, allowing for career breaks. (Candidates should have been awarded their PhD by the date of application, 31 July 2023.)

Near-native proficiency in English is a requirement for the Fellowship.

For further academic information on the Fellowship, please contact cirn@mmll.cam.ac.uk. For information on procedure and the application process, please contact fellowships@CRASSH.cam.ac.uk.

Application procedure

Applications must be submitted via the online application system by the deadline.

Register or log in to your application on the right-hand side of this page.

The following documents are required:

  • A cover letter setting out your reasons for applying and the research to be carried out during the Fellowship; a curriculum vitae; the names of two academic referees. (Please indicate your preferred period in Cambridge: either Jan-March 2024 or April-June 2024.)
  • A brief statement (max. 1,000 words) outlining your proposal for the colloquium. This should describe how it would engage with the theme and how it would complement the previous ‘Diverse Italy’ colloquia (see above). Please include a provisional programme. This statement should be inserted into the field ‘Description’ on the application system.
  • A sample research chapter or article (max. 10,000 words).

To submit your completed application, click on the ‘Submit’ button at the bottom of the page.  You can submit at any time up until the deadline, provided all fields have been completed.  You can log in to view and amend your application after submission.

Please note that uploaded documents MUST be PDF files, maximum file size 8Mb. 

The closing date for applications is 31 July 2023.

*The CIRN Intesa Sanpaolo Visiting Fellowship is generously supported by the Cambridge Intesa Sanpaolo Fund for Italian, CIRN, and CRASSH.


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Email enquiries@crassh.cam.ac.uk