29 Nov 2023 13:00 - 18:00 Room SG2, Alison Richard Building, 7 West Road, Cambridge





This symposium will explore the interconnectedness of our planetary and public health and its associations to inequality, (in)accessibility to sustainable solutions and tech, and the short- and long-term consequences of climate change on health, among other things.

It will discuss how correlation and causation between planetary and public health are ascertained and why these are important, what one tells us about the other, and how we can translate our research to policy, public, and other academic communities.

If you are a Cambridge ECR and would like to present your research at one of these symposia, please read the further information and complete and submit the application form.

The deadline for abstract submission is 18 October 2023.

If you have specific accessibility needs for this event please get in touch. We will do our best to accommodate any requests.

Supported by:

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Cambridge public health logo University of Cambridge logo and Cambridge Zero logo


12:45 - 13:30

Registration and lunch

13:30 - 13:50


‘Pathways to a healthy ‘net zero’ future: The Pathfinder Initiative.’

Sarah Whitmee (Assistant Professor, Centre on Climate Change and Planetary Health and Pathfinder Initiative, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine)

13:50 - 14:10


‘Planetary health: What is the role of healthcare?’

James Smith (Assistant Director of Public Health Studies, Department of Public Health and Primary Care)

14:10 - 14:30


‘The built environment as a planetary health action’

Ronita Bardhan (Associate Professor of Sustainable Built Environment, Deputy Head of Department and Director of Research, Department of Architecture)

14:30 - 14:40

‘Systematic review of dry powder inhaler use in children and acute exacerbations of asthma’

Louise Yapp (4th year medical student, School of Clinical Medicine)

14:40 - 14:50

‘Improving education on sustainable healthcare: The role of a Climate Change Education Fellow’

Rebecca Davis (Clinical Supervisor, Climate Change Education Fellow, Department of Public Health and Primary Care)

14:50 - 15:00

‘Development of physical infrastructure interventions to protect public health from climate-related hazards’

Maria Ikonomova (PhD Researcher, Department of Engineering)

15:00 - 15:10


15:10 - 15:25


15:25 - 15:45


‘Urbanisation, climate change and health – a planetary syndemic’

Tolullah Oni (Clinical Director of Research, Clinical Professor of Global Public Health and Sustainable Urban Development, MRC Epidemiology Unit)

15:45 - 16:05


James Woodcock (Professor of Transport and Health Modelling, Programme Lead for Public Health Modelling, MRC Epidemiology Unit)

16:05 - 16:25


‘Forgotten, neglected, and underutilised beans: diversifying sustainable plant protein sources for planetary health’

Nadia Radzman (Research Associate at the Sainsbury Laboratory)

16:25 - 16:35

‘Plastic is a virus: A novel framework for understanding plastic pollution’

Phoebe McElligott (MPhil Student, Department of Land Economy)

16:35 - 16:45

‘Heat stress and immunity’

Johanna Jung (PhD Researcher, Department of Medicine)

16:45 - 16:55

‘Evaluating emerging food supply chains from a resilience and cost perspective: A study on the alternative protein industry’

Mariel Alem-Fonseca (PhD Researcher, Department of Engineering)


”App’ reciating user needs early in digital health innovation’

Dev Malya Sarkar (PhD researcher, Department of Engineering)



17:15 - 18:00

Drinks reception

Call for submissions

During the upcoming Michaelmas Term, Cambridge Zero is organising a series of  Research Symposia, to highlight all the exciting and ground-breaking research on climate change, adaptation, and net-zero solutions happening across the University of Cambridge. The aim of these events is to help build and strengthen our internal Cambridge Zero research community, and to encourage new connections and collaborations.


The Symposia will take place on the following dates throughout the term, with each event focused on a different theme, as follows:

  • 8 November: Alternative proteins for people and planet: How, why and what can alternative proteins contribute to climate solutions?
  • 21 November: Governance, law and economics of climate change and energy transition: Global and state-centred policy and governance that can lead to energy transitions, and economics behind it.
  • 29 November: Planetary Health: Impacts, improvements and solutions to public and planetary health

Early Career Researcher Submissions

Each symposium will feature a number of keynote presentations from senior Cambridge academics, and we are inviting submissions from Early Career Researchers (Cambridge Postdocs and PhD students) to present their research in a series of 10 minute presentations.

‘Lightning’ Presentations

There is also the option to give a 2-minute ‘lightning’ presentation instead of a 10-minute one. This would consist of a single slide and a (very) brief explanation of your research. This may be a suitable option for those just beginning their research project or to present ideas for future research projects.

If you are a Cambridge ECR and would like to present your research at one of these symposia, please complete and submit the form. We are very keen to showcase presentations from across the full breadth of Cambridge Zero-related research, so even if you feel your research does not strictly fit in one of the themes listed above, then please do still submit and choose the theme that is the closest match.


The ECR submission deadline for the symposia will be Wednesday 18 October 2023. Please submit as soon as possible as spaces are limited. Submissions received after those deadlines may still be considered, but this cannot be guaranteed.

Please note submissions are only open to ECRs based at the University of Cambridge.

Upcoming Events


Tel: +44 1223 766886
Email enquiries@crassh.cam.ac.uk