26 Jun 2023 - 30 Jun 2023 09:00 - 17:00 Cambridge


Please note that the Data School is fully booked.

Cambridge Digital Humanities are delighted to welcome participants again to our in-person 2023 Social Data School (SDS), organised by Cambridge Digital Humanities at the University of Cambridge. After running the SDS completely online for a couple of years during the covid pandemic, we are glad to receive you for a whole week in Cambridge.

You will learn new methods and tools for data-intensive public interest investigations and academic research, from leading academics and practitioners in the field. You will also have the possibility to use the Library and visit relevant places at the University of Cambridge.

We aim to bring together participants from journalism, academia, publicity, and civil society to explore the methods used to create, visualise and analyse digital data and its dissemination in society.

At the Social Data School, you will learn by doing during in-person sessions and other activities. The school is intensive, but extensive online resources will be available to students to help them follow up on what they learned in the taught sessions during and after the Data School. We encourage anyone working with social data to apply!

Applications close on 13 June 2023.

Download the Data School programme.

If you have specific accessibility needs for this event please get in touch. We will do our best to accommodate any requests.

Upcoming Events

AI-generated tiles of satellite imagery
Data School

9 Sep 2024 - 13 Sep 2024

CDH | Social Data School: September 2024

A man in a black suit dances on stage with projections of him on the wall behind.
Data School, Online Event


Tel: +44 1223 766886
Email enquiries@crassh.cam.ac.uk