7 Oct 2023 10:00 - 17:00 Room SG1, Alison Richard Building, 7 West Road, Cambridge


inReach – /ɪn riːtʃ/

  1. inside the distance to which someone can stretch out their hand.
  2. within the capacity of someone to attain or achieve something
  3. (inversion of ‘outreach’) considers the expertise of those usually closed off from academic and artistic reception.

Convened at CRASSH by Kelly Fagan Robinson (Leverhulme and Isaac Newton Trust ECR Fellow, Department of Social Anthropology & Research Fellow and Postgraduate Tutor at Clare Hall).

The “processes and practices that make someone into a full member of a given political community are at least as important as the end result itself [their status]” (Lazar and Nuijten 2013); enduring educational inequalities mean that England is currently building different kinds of citizens with different levels of presence, status, and voice in the national conversation.

As one Head of Schools recently argued: “We’re living through unprecedented problems in schools but using a lot of the same tools we’ve had for decades, and they’re not fit for purpose.”

This summit will take seriously the Children’s Commissioner’s argument that: “[to see] policy and practice through the eyes of a child puts their needs at the heart of design and delivery, bringing fresh perspective, greater credibility,” renewing the need to focus on listening with young people to help them document and express their lived realities both within and outside schools by centring young people within the conversation. We will welcome artists, academics, educators, community leaders and young people to come together to think across these tensions and aim for productive and practical next steps, whether simply in terms of opening pathways to partnership or in service of longer-term, larger-scale transformations.

For expressions of interest, please contact kr474@cam.ac.uk.


10:00 - 10:30

Refreshments and greetings

10:30 - 11:00

Introductory Anthropology By Children activity: ‘Surrogate Voicing’
Introduction to all participants

11:00 - 11:45

Screening of the photovoice and film voice project work from the young people

11:45 - 12:10

Breakout session 1 (led by the young people): Discussion on themes raised and to brainstorm ideas for what a fit-for-purpose youth provision could look like, and who needs to be in the room to make action happen

12:10 - 12:45

Outcomes of breakout session and discussion

12:50 - 13:30


13:30 - 13:50

Andrew Sanchez (w/WP/ICE Cambridge) presentation

13:50 - 14:40

Breakout session two: Next steps and commitments

14:30 - 15:30

Sharing on actions

15:30 - 16:30

Final session TBC

About the inReach project

About inReach – /ɪn riːtʃ/

  1. inside the distance to which someone can stretch out their hand.
  2. within the capacity of someone to attain or achieve something
  3. (inversion of ‘outreach’) considers the expertise of those usually closed off from academic and artistic reception.

The term ‘inReach’ signifies any action which reshapes elite institutions as inclusive domains through centrally placing work by people otherwise absent in traditional arts and academic spaces. This series will critically question and therefore set to prove false the too-common trope that certain people are ‘hard to reach.’ By bringing artists, academics, and key local publics together via CRASSH, inReach will amplify the underacknowledged value of lived expertise of socially marginalised people, while also fostering ongoing debates about transience, stigma and inequality in the UK.

See all events in the series

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Email enquiries@crassh.cam.ac.uk