24 May 2023 All day SG1, Alison Richard Building, 9 West Road, Cambridge



  • Kirsty Hughes (University of Cambridge)
  • Vandita Khanna (University of Cambridge)



For over seventy years Article 1 of the European Convention on Human Rights has required states to secure rights to ‘everyone within their jurisdiction’. Yet, despite the purported universality of rights, the Convention rights are experienced differently by racialised minorities, and racism pervades European societies. How does human rights law respond to racism and racialisation in Europe? How would Convention rights look through the lens of race? By reflecting on these questions the workshop seeks to explore the role of race within European human rights law. The aim of the workshop is to bring race theory and equality law in conversation with ECHR jurisprudence to understand the significance of race in human rights theory and highlight the possibilities and limits within European human rights law to address racism. During the course of the workshop, we will explore how racial grounds matter in a range of thematic clusters of human rights, such as: State violence and bodily integrity, terrorism, domestic abuse, hate speech, migration, protest, privacy, domestic violence, sexual and reproductive rights, medicine, environment, and poverty.

If you are interested in attending the workshop, please contact Kirsty Hughes (kh391@cam.ac.uk) and Vandita Khanna (vk347@cam.ac.uk)


Supported by:

CRASSH grey logo  Centre for Public Law logo. Black text on white background

If you have specific accessibility needs for this event please get in touch. We will do our best to accommodate any requests.


10:00 - 10:30

Introductions and overview of the project

10:30 - 11:30

Session 1. Critical race theory and European Human Rights Law: discrimination, violence, and hate speech

Eddie Bruce-Jones (SOAS) and Mathias Möschel (CEU)
‘Critical race theory in and for European Human Rights Law’

Natasa Mavronicola (University of Birmingham) and Elaine Webster (University of Strathclyde)
‘The European Court of Human Rights’ approach to racism and state violence: rethinking three problematic paradigms’

Cengiz Barskanmaz (Hochschule Fulda)
‘Race and hate speech’


11:30 - 11:40

Tea and coffee

11:40 - 12:50

Session 2. A critique in and of Human Rights Law: terrorism, migration, and public space

Shaimaa Abdelkarim (University of Birmingham)
‘‘Leap into the unknown’ – anti-racist responses in European Human Rights’

Tufyal Choudhury (Durham University)
‘Race and terrorism’

Başak Çalı (The Hertie School, Centre for Fundamental Rights)
‘Race and migration’

Kirsty Hughes (University of Cambridge)
‘Race and public space’


12:50 - 13:50


13:50 - 15:00

Session 3. Race through the lens of intersectionality in human rights law: domestic abuse, sexual and reproductive rights, and medicine

Shreya Atrey (University of Oxford)
‘Re-race-ing intersectionality’

Shazia Choudhry (University of Oxford)
‘Race and domestic abuse’

Meghan Campbell (University of Birmingham)
‘Race and sexual and reproductive rights’

Stevie Martin (University of Cambridge) and Stephanie Palmer (University of Cambridge)
‘Race and medicine’


15:00 - 15:10

Tea and coffee

15:10 - 16:10

Session 4. Pitfalls and possibilities in Human Rights Law: structural racism, climate change, and education

Mehrdad Payandeh (Bucerius Law School)
‘Beyond or within the prohibition of racial discrimination? Addressing structural discrimination through International Human Rights Law’

Sandra Fredman (University of Oxford)
‘Racial discrimination, positive obligations, and equality’

Corina Heri (University of Zurich)
‘Race and climate change’

Vandita Khanna (University of Cambridge)
‘Race and education’


16:10 - 17:00

Overarching themes, issues, and next steps 

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