23 Feb 2021 10:00am - 11:00am Online


Cambridge Digital Humanities Learning Programme

Bulk Data Capture: an overview


CDH Basics are open to staff and graduate students who want to learn and apply digital methods and use digital tools in their research. They involve direct instruction, demonstrations, combined with small group work and whole class discussion depending on the topic. The emphasis is on developing skills which participants can apply immediately and directly in their own research. 

This CDH Basics session provides a brief introduction to different methods for capturing bulk data from online sources or via agreement with data collection holders, including Application Programme Interfaces (APIs). We will address issues of data provenance, exceptions to copyright for text and data-mining, and discuss good practice in managing and working with data that others have created.

The goals of this series are to: 

Introduce key DH methods, tools and concepts and develop participants’ awareness of how different disciplines approach the challenges of research in the digital age
Introduce approaches to digital project design which embed the methods and tools into the wider research lifecycle 
Introduce a robust ethics framework for digital research and signpost participants to further help and advice within the university in dealing with the ethical challenges of research in the digital age
Equip participants with a working knowledge of key digital infrastructures and services within the university and beyond which may have an impact on their practice as researchers 



For in-person teaching: 2 hours classroom-based session plus access to presenters’ slides and course materials via Moodle 
For remote teaching: 1 hour live-streamed video, plus interactive chat forum for Q and A and access to course materials via Moodle 
Maximum number of participants per session: 15 
Number of sessions per year: 10 (4 in Michaelmas, 3 in Lent and 3 in Easter) 

Upcoming Events

AI-generated tiles of satellite imagery
Data School

9 Sep 2024 - 13 Sep 2024

CDH | Social Data School: September 2024

A man in a black suit dances on stage with projections of him on the wall behind.
Data School, Online Event


Tel: +44 1223 766886
Email enquiries@crassh.cam.ac.uk