23 May 2012 12:00pm - 2:00pm CRASSH Seminar Room


Dr Jussi Parikka (Reader in Media & Design at the Winchester School of Art, University of Southampton) presents at the Digital Humanities Seminar.


Dr Jussi Parikka will offer an introduction to the emerging field of media archaeology and analyse the innovative theoretical and artistic methodology used to excavate current media through its past.




What is Media Archaeology examines the theoretical challenges of studying digital culture and memory and opens up the sedimented layers of contemporary media culture. The author contextualizes media archaeology in relation to other key media studies debates including software studies, German media theory, imaginary media research, new materialism and digital humanities.

About Jussi Parikka



Dr Jussi Parikka is a Finnish media theorist and writer. He graduated with a PhD from University of Turku, Finland in 2007 and has since then worked in Berlin, Cambridge (Anglia Ruskin) and now at Winchester School of Art. He is the author of various publications, including the monographs Koneoppi (2004), Digital Contagions: A Media Archaeology of Computer Viruses (2007), Insect Media: An Archaeology of Animals and Technology and the forthcoming What is Media Archaeology (2012). In addition, he has edited and co-edited such publications as The Spam Book: On Porn, Viruses and Other Anomalous Objects from the Dark Side of Digital Culture (2009), Media Archaeology: Approaches, Applications and Implications (2011), Medianatures: The Materiality of Information Technology and Electronic Waste (2011) and the special issue of Fibreculture (2011) on Unnatural Ecologies – Media Ecology. Currently he is working on media archaeological research topics and interested in the concept of the aesthetico-technical as a way to grasp the technological underpinnings of cognitive capitalism.

Parikka is also Adjunct Professor in Digital Culture Theory at University of Turku, Finland and Honorary Visiting Research Fellow at Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge.

The event is free to attend but please book your place through the online registration at the right hand side of the page.

For more details about the seminar contact Dr Anne Alexander (raa43@cam.ac.uk)

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