24 Feb 2011 5:00pm - 7:00pm CRASSH Seminar Room


Professor Bill Dutton, Director of the Oxford Internet Institute speaks at a lecture organised by the Cambridge Digital Humanities Network.

The lecture is free to attend and open to all, but please email Dr Anne Alexander raa43[at]cam.ac.uk to book a place.


Sceptics have challenged utopian perspectives on the role of the Internet in democratic political processes. These critiques can be useful, but often fail to understand the very real impact of enabling individuals to network in new ways. The rise of the press, radio, television and other mass media created an independent institution: the ‘Fourth Estate’, central to pluralist democratic processes. However, the growing use of the Internet and related technologies enables the networking of individuals in ways that create a new source of accountability not only in government and politics, but also in other sectors. How does the Internet create a space for this new form of social accountability? Is it indeed enabling a ‘Fifth Estate’?

The Internet is a platform for networking individuals in ways that can challenge the influence of other more established bases of institutional authority, and that can be used to increase the accountability of the press, politicians, doctors and academics by offering networked individuals with alternative sources of information and opinion. Questions about the governance of the Fifth Estate are likely to become more prominent as people realize that the Internet is a social phenomenon with broad and substantial implications for political and social accountability, as illustrated by the crisis over WikiLeaks. The development and vitality of the ‘Fifth Estate’ rests less on new policy initiatives than by responding to the strategies of its enemies — the other four estates, and the mob, of the Internet realm.

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