23 Nov 2010 12:00pm - 1:30pm CRASSH Seminar Room


Unfortunately this event has had to be CANCELLED because the speaker is unwell. A new date for the seminar will be announced in the new year.

Dr Claire Warwick, director of the newly-created Centre for Digital Humanities at University College London, speaks at the CRASSH Digital Forum about the establishment of the centre and the future of digital humanities research.


In this talk I will describe how UCL's Centre for Digital Humanities (UCLDH) was established and funded and describe its current activities. I will discuss our philosophy of DH; what makes us distinctive in terms of our research and teaching; and how we fit into the structure of UCL as a university. I will argue that UCLDH is different from first generation DH centres. Rather than forcing people who wish to work in DH to come to us, we are establishing ourselves as the hub of a network of researchers that extends throughout UCL and beyond it to cultural heritage institutions such as Museums, Libraries and archives. Our view of the relationship between computing and humanities also differs from earlier models: we deliberately do not provide service computing, and regard it as essential that new knowledge should be produced as the result of an equal partnership between researchers in both computing and engineering and the humanities. UCLDH also carries out a large amount of research on the uses of social media, participants will therefore be encouraged to tweet the talk. Please use our hashtag: #ucldh

All welcome – Please email the convenor, Dr Anne Alexander (raa43 @ cam.ac.uk) to reserve a place.


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Email enquiries@crassh.cam.ac.uk