15 Mar 2011 12:45pm - 2:00pm CRASSH


The Reading Group has been meeting under the auspices of CRASSH since 2001 to bring together researchers and teachers from across the disciplines in the arts, humanities, social sciences and elsewhere. The core activity of the Group is a weekly reading group devoted to papers and texts circulated in advance, and this is supplemented by the organization of conferences and by participation in a network of like-minded researchers outside Cambridge. Themes over past years have included terror, visual art and architecture, cinematic fantasy, group psychologies, and migration. Part of the 2008/9 session will be devoted to readings on psychoanalysis and religion. Graduate students, teaching staff and researchers are welcome to join the Group. To do so, contact Andrew Webber (German/MML), John Forrester (History and Philosophy of Science).

The reading for this meeting is from Lacan's Seminar 20, Encore(On Feminine Sexuality, The Limits of Love and Knowledge) Chapters 9 and 11.  The plan for next term is to move on to reading some Klein – further details will be posted later.

List members may be interested in the lecture by Cathy Caruth on Thursday 10 March, After the End: Psychoanalysis in the Ashes of History, and the colloquium around her work on Friday 11 March.

And, for a further opportunity to discuss Lacan in Tania Espinoza's 'Love and Revolution' reading group please click on the link of the right hand side of the page.


All welcome. No registration required.

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