3 Jun 2009 All day CRASSH, 17 Mill Lane



Prof Saul Becker
School of Sociology and Social Policy, University of Nottingham


Professor Saul Becker is Head of the School of Sociology and Social Policy at the University of Nottingham. He has also held Chairs at Birmingham University (Professor of Social Care & Health) and Loughborough University (Professor of Social Policy & Social Care). He is an Academician of the Academy of Social Sciences and a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts. He was the Chair of the UK Social Policy Association (2004-2008). Saul is also an experienced and registered social worker.

During the last 16 years Saul has been researching, writing and working on conceptual and applied issues concerning ‘young carers’ in the UK and internationally. He has directed 41 externally funded research projects in this period. He has advised governments in the UK and internationally and he has worked directly with policy makers, social welfare practitioners, young carers and their families. He is the author of 280 articles, books and reports and he has given 150 conference papers, most as keynote speaker.

Publications in the past year include: Children Caring for Parents with HIV and AIDS: Global Issues and Policy Responses (with R. Evans, 2009, The Policy Press); Manual for Measures of Caring Activites and Outcomes for Children and Young People (with S. Joseph and F. Becker, 2009, The Princess Royal Trust for Carers); Young Adult Carers in the UK: Experiences, Needs and Services for Carers aged 16-24 (with F. Becker, 2008, The Princess Royal Trust for Carers); Service Needs and Delivery Following the Onset of Caring Amongst Children and Young Adults: Evidenced Based Revew (with F. Becker, 2008, Commission for Rural Communities). 

Website: www.SaulBecker.co.uk  

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