21 Jan 2009 12:15pm - 2:00pm CRASSH, 17 Mill Lane


Theme for Lent Term 

Abnormal behaviour, medical science, and the law

This term examines the way in which abnormal and ‘anti-social’ behaviour has been conceptualised using a biological model of causation. From an historical perspective, we will examine early constructions of abnormal and deviant behaviour and then explore their relation to current research in genetics and biology.  Our aim is to investigate the legal and political implications of psychiatric, neurological and genetic research and treatment, and to examine how such developments have affected the provision of social welfare. 

Abnormal behaviour, practical psychiatry and the law

Readings for this session are available online (click the article):

Rumgay, Judith A.; Munro, E. 'The Lion's Den: Professional Defences in the Treatment of Dangerous Patients.' Journal of Forensic Psychiatry 12, no. 2 (2001), pp. 357-378

Smith, Roger ‘Medical Criticism and Penal Practice’ Trial by Medicine: Insanity and Responsibility in Victorian Trials (Edinburgh, 1981) pp12-33

Richard G. Frank & Sherry A. Glied ‘Health Care Financing and Income Support’ Better But Not Well: Mental Health Policy in the United States since 1950 (2006) pp48-69

Robert I. Simon, ‘Clinical risk management of the suicidal patient’ Clinical Psychiatry and the Law (2003) pp259-296 


Part of the Health and Welfare Research Group

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