10 Jul 2003 - 12 Jul 2003 All day Clare College, Cambridge


Clare College, Cambridge

Conference co-sponsored by CRASSH (University of Cambridge) and the Trevelyan Fund (University of Cambridge)

The Roger Morrice Entring Book Project exists to publish the most important unpublished record of British history during the second half of the seventeenth century. The fragile manuscript is over 900,000 words long and covers the years 1677 to 1691.

The author of The Entring Book, Roger Morrice (1628-1702), was a puritan minister turned political journalist and agent for senior Whig politicians. He was astonishingly well connected and well informed, a discreet go-between, a conduit of public business, and a barometer of public opinion. The Entring Book is not a personal diary but a chronicle of public affairs. It touches upon many aspects of Restoration society: its social structure, urban growth, institutions and personalities, theatre, the royal court, the judges' courts, military and colonial affairs, foreign relations, London politics and commerce, worship, piety and blasphemy, the governance of Scotland and Ireland, and the flow of news across Continental Europe.

As part of the Morrice Project, a conference entitled 'The World of Roger Morrice: Politics, Religion, Law and Information, 1675-1700' will be held in Cambridge, England on 10-12 July. This conference promises to be a major event which will contribute significantly to our understanding of the late seventeenth century. More than 40 postgraduate students and distinguished academics will present papers which address a wide range of topics including, but not limited to, Nonconformity and Dissent, Catholicism and anti-Popery, the law, theatre, literature, gender, print-culture, and the circulation of news.

Dr Jason McElligott, Faculty of History
Dr Mark Goldie, Faculty of History


Tel: +44 1223 766886
Email enquiries@crassh.cam.ac.uk