Published by the Faculty of History and the Centre for Research in the Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities (CRASSH) at the University of Cambridge.

CRASSH and the Faculty of History are pleased to announce the Global History Lab (GHL) launch at Cambridge.

In September 2023, the Global History Lab moved from its founding home at Princeton University to CRASSH, working with Cambridge Online Education to provide a new online learning platform.

The Global History Lab is a platform for learning, skill development and collaboration in creating new narratives across global divides. Using cutting-edge technologies, innovative pedagogical practices, and training in oral history methods, the GHL educates students about the history of globalisation and prepares them to become knowledge producers for a wider world. The program enlists universities and NGOs to engage in a new model of global education through peer-to-peer exchanges.

A pioneering, cross-border programme of teaching and student-led research coordinated through the University of Cambridge is delivered through several worldwide institutional partners to train the next generation of interdisciplinary qualitative social science researchers.

Moving forward, the GHL plans to broaden its research scope by founding several thematic Narrative Observatories. These Observatories will draw on current and former students’ research outputs to create a network of bottom-up, globally-scaled social science that will enable the cross-border study of the ways in which storytelling and narratives have fuelled or quelled social conflict. The creation of the Narrative Observatories at the GHL represents a unique opportunity to tap into and build upon our existing international network of socially engaged scholars producing in-depth qualitative research in real-time and will produce a first-of-its-kind, detailed global resource on changing social and political narratives across time and space. The GHL’s Narrative Observatories will spearhead an integrated model of learning and research that will harness the collaborative power of collective, grassroots research across multiple international partners.

Director Jeremy Adelman expressed his excitement about the opportunities ahead:

We are thrilled to establish the Global History Lab at the University of Cambridge, where we can continue our commitment to interdisciplinary research and global collaboration. The move represents a new chapter for the GHL, as we expand our reach and deepen our impact in the study of global history.

To celebrate the launch of the Global History Lab at Cambridge, Director Jeremy Adelman extends an invitation to the Global History Lab launch event, taking place on 8 May 2024 from 17:00-19:00 at the Pitt Building, Trumpington Street, Cambridge CB2 1RP.

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