Applications are open for event and initiatives taking place between April and July 2025  and will close on 21st October 2024.

CRASSH supports a number of events and initiatives every year that are convened or co-convened by Cambridge postgraduate students, postdocs or academic staff.

In this blog post, our Events Manager answers some of the most frequently asked questions about applying for funding and administrative assistance from CRASSH.

Full details of our event and initiatives funding rounds can be found in the research section of our website.

Q. What are the eligibility and selection criteria for the funding competition?

The criteria can be found on the events and initiative funding pages on CRASSH’s website.

Q. I am a PhD student / post-doc / emeritus professor / unestablished lecturer at Cambridge, am I eligible for this funding?

Yes, anyone with a direct affiliation to the University of Cambridge is eligible to apply (including graduate students, postdocs, and UTOs/CTOs). Academic staff must be employed by the University of Cambridge or one of its Colleges. There must be a reasonable expectation that your connection to the University will still be in place at the time of your proposed event or initiative. This normally excludes Visiting Fellows who are based at the University for one academic year or less.

Barbers creating Roman haircuts at an event at the Faculty of Classics.

Godly grooming conference workshop at the Faculty of Classics.

Q. I am based at the Faculty of X, can I apply?

Yes, we accept applications from across the University. CRASSH has a broad conception of ‘the arts, social sciences, and humanities’ and we are open to proposals for all areas of research, including bringing humanities perspectives to science research. The important thing to remember is that we are looking to support events and initiatives that reflect the breadth of CRASSH as an interdisciplinary centre, rather than proposals that would fit easily within a single department.

Q. Can my co-convenors be from other institutions?

Yes, the main applicant and lead convenor needs to be directly affiliated with the University of Cambridge but co-convenors can be from other institutions.

Q. How many people can be in the convening team?

The core convening team, that works with the CRASSH Events Manager, must be no more than three people.

Q. Can I just apply for CRASSH funding but not house the event or initiative with CRASSH?

All events and initiatives that are selected form part of CRASSH’s calendar and are organised and run by CRASSH.

Q. When can I run my event or initiative?

Calls are sent out for proposals at different times of the year. Check carefully that your planned event or initiative takes place in the timeframe for that round of funding allocations.

Q. I have fixed dates in mind, can these be guaranteed?

We do our best to accommodate specific dates, but we are not always able to offer the exact dates requested by applicants (especially during oversubscribed times in the year such as the Easter vaccation). We encourage convenors to be flexible with dates.

Q. My event or initiative will not be held in the timeframe specified for this round, can I still apply for support?

The event or initiative should normally take place in the funding period specified for each round, although applications for major events with a longer lead-time may be considered.

Q. Are there any restrictions on the kind of initiative that CRASSH can support?

No, anything goes! (almost!). Creative initiatives should be connected in some way to Cambridge (the city or the University) or to produce material that can be hosted on CRASSH’s website for public viewing or interaction. You may apply for support to create a film, an exhibition, a performance, a guided walk, activities that make use of the University’s collections, a hands-on workshop, or anything else that you think will fulfil the objectives above.

Q. Can I hold my in-person or hybrid event at the Alison Richard Building?

CRASSH is based in the Alison Richard Building. Space is more readily available out of term and during term there is availability on Friday’s. We also support events that will take place at other venues in Cambridge.

Q. What are the in-kind costs for an event?

These costs are what these elements would cost you if you were not running your event with CRASSH:

  • Room hire: SG1 (70 people): £350, SG2 (40 people): £220, SG1 and SG2 (110 people): £440, S1 (40 people): £200, S2 (25 people): £155, S3 (16 people): £130, Atrium: £550
  • Custodian: £30 p/h (Evening and Saturday), £50 p/h (Sunday). Minimum 4 hours
  • Administrative support (per day): £900
  • Publicity (social media and page on CRASSH website): £500

Q. I do not need support from CRASSH but would like to hold an event in the Alison Richard Building, can you help?

Facilities in the Alison Richard Building are shared between CRASSH and other centres, so we cannot book space for non-CRASSH events. General room bookings enquiries are handled by the building’s receptionist (, who would be able to advise on availability and any hire costs.

Q. I would be interested in holding something in a different venue, is that possible?

Yes, a number of recent CRASSH events and initiatives have been held in colleges and other University locations. Bear in mind that there are costs associated with booking rooms in a College. Please note the in person element of an event needs to be held in Cambridge.

Q. Can I pay speakers honoraria?

CRASSH supports the payment of a modest honorarium to speakers who are not academic researchers or professionals receiving a salary, and for whom speaker engagements would make up part of their normal income. Speakers most likely to fall into this category are artists or activists. An honorarium is a gesture of appreciation and recognition, and it is not meant to substitute for a salary. For events and research networks organised via CRASSH, the maximum amount that can be paid as an honorarium to an individual would be £200 per event, in addition to any travel expenses incurred, this is paid for from the event budget. CRASSH’s full statement on honoraria can be read on CRASSH’s intranet.

Q. I would like to have an exhibition alongside my event, is this possible?

It is possible to have an exhibition in the Atrium space at the Alison Richard Building if it fits in the exhibition programme, which is run separately to the events programme. You would need to organise your own transportation and insurance for the artwork and this would need to come from your event budget. Please complete a proposal, as outlined on the Art at Alison Richard Building website and indicate in your application if this is something you are planning as part of your conference. A pop up exhibition, just for the length of the event is possible and can be discussed.

Q. Is it possible to hold my event or initiative online?

Yes, we are able to host and facilitate a broad spectrum of events online and are open to a variety of formats. Please contact the Events Manager to discuss this further.

Q. Can my event run for three days?

No, CRASSH’s funding can only be used to support a one- or two-day event or to support an initiative. For online events we are open to more flexible formats.

Q. Can the event be a closed event?

We like events to be open and inclusive. If you wish to hold a closed event, please justify this carefully in your proposal.

Q. Can my event be recorded?

Yes, CRASSH is able to arrange for a recording of an event. There is a charge for recording and editing each session. The edited footage will be housed on CRASSH’s YouTube channel.

Q. How much should I budget for catering?

We would usually budget £25 per person per day for an event taking place at the Alison Richard Building. This would include lunch and two coffee breaks during the day. A dinner for speakers in a college would cost around £60 per person. A sample budget is available here.

Q. How much should I budget for accommodation?

A good estimate for single accommodation in a college is £85 per night.

Q.Can I apply for funds to attend a conference? 

No, this funding is for running a conference or event with CRASSH.

Q.When will I be informed of the outcome of my application?

Applicants will be informed if their application has been successful within four weeks of the application deadline.

Q. If I am unsuccessful, can I apply for logistical support?

No, unfortunately if you have been unsuccessful in that round you would need to apply again in a future funding round.

Q. I have missed this funding competition when will the next round open?

For events in September 24 – April 25  the competition opens the January 2024  and closes in April 2024. For events held in April – July 2025 the competition will open in June 2024 and closes in October 2024.

Q. I have more questions about the funding round, who should I contact? 

Please contact me! I am available at and would be happy to answer any specific questions about our events and initiatives programme or the application/budgeting process.



Tel: +44 1223 766886