
The Concept Lab

What laws govern the formation and transformation of concepts, as historical cultural entities? How do some concepts drastically change their structure and scope, while others remain comparatively constant? The Concept Lab aims to answer these broad answers, through an interdisciplinary research agenda that manipulates the digital archive in novel ways. The enquiry has two principal axes: on the one hand, it aims to utilise the unprecedented volume of historical data now available, so as to focus not only on the frequency with which individual concepts appear, but also the complex networks in which they are embedded. On the other, it seeks to develop a working terminology for the different kinds of concept that appear, so as to account for those that mutate in particular ways, or are networked to an unusually large number of related notions. Our eventual goals include the writing of digital code to enable a greater range of conceptual analysis; the publication of a series of working papers to communicate our methodology and findings; and a series of dedicated studies of particular historical concepts. 


Ewan Jones is a research associate on the Concept Lab project at CRASSH, in addition to being the Thole Research Fellow at Trinity Hall, University of Cambridge. 

He teaches on literature and philosophy of the long eighteenth century at the English Faculty of Cambridge, and is the author of Coleridge and the Philosophy of Poetic Form (CUP, 2014). He was awarded his PhD from Cambridge, having also held visiting research fellowships at Berkeley, Cornell and NYU. He has articles published or forthcoming in Victorian Poetry, Modern Philology and Romanticism, among other venues.  



Coleridge and the Philosophy of Poetic Form (Cambridge University Press, 2014).


• '”Let the Rank Tongue Blossom”: Browning's Stuttering', forthcoming in Victorian Poetry.
• 'Lyric Explanation: Tennyson's Princesses', forthcoming in Thinking Verse.
• 'John “Walking” Stewart, and the Ethics of Motion', forthcoming in Romanticism.
• 'The Tennysons' Princess, and the Performance of Childhood' (with Phyllis Weliver), forthcoming in The Edinburgh Companion to Literature and Music
• 'Rhythm and Affect in “Christabel”', forthcoming in Critical Rhythm, ed. Jonathan Culler and Ben Glaser (Fordham UP, 2014). 
• '”Earth Worm Wit Lies Underground”: the Compositional Genesis of Coleridge's “Limbo” Constellation', Modern Philology, 110.4 (May 2013), 513–535.
• '”Less Gross than Bodily”: Materiality in the Conversation Poem Sequence', Review of English Studies, 64.264 (April 2013), 267–88.
• 'Coleridge, Hyman Hurwutz and Hebrew Poetics', Coleridge Bulletin, Winter 2012, 59–68.


• 'Romantic Poetry: An Annotated Anthology, ed. Michael O'Neil and Charles Mahoney', Coleridge Bulletin, Summer 2014, 77–83. 
• 'Tim Milnes, The Truth About Romanticism', Coleridge Bulletin, Summer 2012, 118–122.
• 'Richard Holmes, The Age of Wonder', Coleridge Bulletin, Summer 2010, 106–111.
• 'Noel Jackson, Science and Sensation in Romantic Poetry', Coleridge Bulletin, Winter 2009, 87–91.


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